Monday, February 19, 2007

Forgotten mannerisms?

Several conversations lately have led to me thinking about the mannerisms of men and women from long ago and the difference of how they act now. How slowly certain ways and actions are changing. Now change is an obvious part of time moving on, but I think people sort of lose track and are caught off guard by how much really has changed.

My beautiful grandmother showed me a picture of her and my grandfather on their first date. Her in a dress, my grandfather in a suit. Perfectly manicured and looking very happy. She explained to me how he held doors open for her, helped her step off a curb, etc. Then she told me they had went to the movies. When in the world was the last time you saw a man dress in a suit and a woman in a dress for the movies?? Now are we just losing that graceful, formal part of dressing immaculate and "upscale" ... are we just more lazy to where we go out in pajamas? My mother explained how they would always dress nicely, nice pants or skirts, even when going to the movies. Go to the movies now, and see a bunch of guys with their jeans hanging down past their bum so far that you can tell what size boxers they're wearing. Girls are going to have to start carrying some type of Dior device that picks up items they drop since their skirts are so short and seem to be disappearing all together. I'm all for doing your own thing when it comes to fashion, but have some respect for people around you, no one wants to see any of that stuff in public unless they choose to. Better yet, have some respect for yourself.

Curse words were pretty much unheard of. Again, basically the same thing in my mothers generation. At least they were very rarely said around women. Now? F' this, i hate this shhh...., you get the picture. Women, the same thing. I can't tell you how many times I go to a restaurant and hear someone say something about someone they know being a "stupid b"

It's really sad when you hang out with a guy, friend or otherwise, and you're surprised when they open the door for you or help you through a crowd while walking behind you by putting his hand on your back (usually you expect his hand to end up on your ass).

So what exactly is going on? Are we just completely forgetting respect? Sitting on your cell phone while in a movie theatre (btw, I hate all you people that do this), knocking into someone and keep going, not call when you're going to be late, these things are just done and barely anyone blinks an eye. Are we disregarding other people because we're too caught up in ourselves?

I wonder what's going to happen in another 20 years.....

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