Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech

My prayers and support go out to the students & faculty at Virginia Tech and to the families & loved ones of those that passed or were injured. The grief must be imeasureable. There will be only mention of the innocent in this post, I don't think I need to explain what I mean. The focus needs to be on those that were lost. Their dreams that they had, the people they left behind left to mourn them and how they were taken way too soon.

Everyday dramas pale in comparison to staring down the barrel of a gun, seeing your friends gunned down in front of you and everything else those poor people had to go through.

Please send out a vibe of support, a prayer, whatever you can to everyone that was affected.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Anyone have a boat??

4 out of every 5 houses on my block now have a hose running out of its basement (and yes including my own) . The park by my house is apparently not there anymore, instead it's a lake (and yes I'm serious, you can't see any grass anywhere). I don't remember the last time I saw it rain like this! I need a boat to get around because any other mode of transportation is no longer acceptable. As for now I'm not too worried, but if I wake up in the morning and see ducks swimming around on my front porch, I just might need to pack my bags and fly somewhere exotic for a few days but IT COULD ALWAYS BE MUCH WORSE! I think I'll just ride out the bad weather on my couch with comfortable pj's, wine and movies.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Long time no type

Been MIA for awhile so I'll just make up for lost time

First off, Don Imus. I freakin love it, I really do. I don't need to repeat what he said, every one in the world knows. Let's condemn the guy. Tie him to the stake and burn him! Throw stones. OOoo wait, how about we beat him with a bat. (Note the sarcasm)
I've never said a disgusting comment before. I am totally allowed to do that stuff to him. I am perfect and every word that I say is proper and completely politically correct. I have the right to judge everyone else who says something completely negative and horrible.
Let me just applaud all of those people who can say everything in the last few sentences that I typed. Everyone is condemning him for comments and GRANTED his comments were completely unnecessary and uncalled for and disgusting, but , I would like to hear every single person who condemned him for what he said come forth and say under oath that they have never said something scandalous, uncalled for and hurtful. Yeah I didn't think so. Only difference, (like i typed about Brittany) that they were said publically. He apologized, the team accepted and the rest is between them. Oh and btw, are you freakin kidding me about sending the Rutgers team hatemail? Uhhhh since when is it their fault that Don Imus said negative comments about them? They didn't get him fired. Imus' own wife said on air to stop sending the team hatemail and send it to her husband instead. And yes, let's not forget the two people that are attacking him the most. Jesse Jackson ( who (ahem, allegedly) had an affair with a woman who got pregnant with his child (and again, allegedly) whom he never visited & did not pay child support to ) and Al Sharpton who (lets hear it... allegedly) had some not so nice words about Jewish people in the early nineties). Yup, let's hear from those perfect people again.


Found this on 1010wins about how a company accidentally(human error) let loose detergent (167 gallons to be exact) into the municipal sewer lines. It errupted from manhole covers and flowed into the streets. People that are complaining...STOP IT! Act like a kid! throw the suds at each other, chase the bubbles, have a great time! Just because we're adults doesn't mean we can't have some kid fun. Ever throw snowballs at each other? Run in the rain? Jump in leaves? Hey it could be worse, at least it's not raw sewage. Ew. Now aren't you happy for some clean suds instead?

Spring, people Spring!!! Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. Take advantage of outdoor cafe's, go see your local Minor league baseball team. If you hate the beach, walk on the boardwalk. There are thousands of outdoor FREE (hey who doesn't like free? ) events all over in every area of every state. If you go to google and you type in state parks followed by your state and you have an afternoon of walking, a picnic, and silence. Sit in front of your house/apartment (whatever) grab some friends and take out or wine & cheese, a radio and just talk. Hop a train instead of using gas and just go somewhere. Anywhere. Sometimes getting out of your own area just revitalizes you.
Speaking of going out, time to walk the dog.

Friday, March 16, 2007

91 year old man glued to roof

Is it wrong that I laughed when I read this?

I read the story on and found it hysterical. And no it would not have been funny had he been hurt.

Apparently this 91 year old man in Germany was fixing his roof and got stuck after he slipped in what he was using to re-coat his roof. The fire department had to be called to come and help him. The spokesman for the police described him looking like "a bettle on its back, with his arms and legs sprawled out and completely glued to the roof."

They freed the man and he was unharmed. Now before you go and tell me I'm wrong for laughing, imagine someone you know being stuck in a big pile of goo with their arms and legs sprawled out and being described as a beetle.

I feel bad for him if he had to go to the bathroom.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Overlooked love ones

Can someone explain to me please HOW THE HELL people go for months and even years after tying without being their own homes.

On today there was an article on how a poor man died in his home in Texas after Hurricane Rita. That was 18 months ago. A prospective buyer found the man in his bed and had apparently been there all this time. There was no damage to the home except for huge limbs that blocked many parts of his house. The man had been ill for awhile but had died of natural causes. No one seemed to notice because after people returned, they questioned his whereabouts but blew it off to rebuild their own homes. No one thought to contact the police to have them just check? Or better yet, the police didn't take it upon themselves to search the houses to see if anyone had passed away? Family didn't even bother to check. Really nice, I hope this sticks on all their consciences for the rest of their lives

On there was an article about an 83 year old woman that had disappeared four years ago. Apparently they didn't search very hard. The woman's pile of bones was discovered next to her cane in her New York City home. After finally being declared dead, a developer had purchased the property and the remains were found after a cleaning crew was sent in. No one thought to look in the woman's house, especially the family? Shouldn't that be the first place to start? You look for clues about what could have happened and so forth? Or I dont know, maybe see if the POOR WOMAN WAS STILL IN THERE.

I'm sure the family of the deceased and the police officers were very proud of how both of these cases were handled.

The misunderstanding of women

Older guy is marked off limits to a room by his wife. It's been this way for years and it is specifically HER room and he's not permitted to enter. Guy agrees. Guy goes into the room to get a hairdryer that he needs later on that evening. Without asking the wife first. Wife is pissed. Guy doesn't understand why but keeps his mouth shut anyway until he knows she's calmed down and he can apologize.

Can we say slap upside the head and a round of applause for the guy.

I had to explain why his wife was mad because he told me he didn't get it. He went in grabbed the hairdryer and basically ran out of the room. Tsktsktsk. Those few seconds now cost him anger by his wife. Here's a tip : you make a promise. Keep it. Very simple. Oh and some additional info. She will be even more mad at you if she finds out that you didn't need the item right away and you had time to ask her for it instead of just doing it.

I must give him credit though. Instead of following through with an argument he kept his mouth shut. Very VERY smart man. He's waiting until everything has calmed down. Then he's going to decide if he should bring it up and talk about it or just let it go. Maybe that's why they've been together for so long.

I say go with flowers. Nothing elaborate maybe some daisies. Simple yet to the point. Oh and an apology.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A little tax information

If you pay for long distance on your telephone, you can claim a refund for the long-distance tax. It was established in 1898 as a luxury tax on wealthy Americans who owned telephones. Apparently not many people know about this, so look into it with your accountant or do some more research online to see if you're eligible.

By the way, medical bills are also a deduction!! I can't tell you how many people ( i work in a medical office) tell me they had no idea. This includes but not limited to costs you pay to, primary care physicians, optometrists, contact lenses, gynecologists, dentists, etc and so forth.

Don't forget to file your taxes soon. Some accountants charge extension filing fees!

I am not a financial professional but in my opinion these are deductions you shouldn't pass up!
Who doesn't love free money!

Rudeness in restaurants

So I went to one of my favorite Thai places in Manhattan for some dinner with friends on Friday night. Great food, service sucked. Granted the place was packed but that's not an excuse for the amount of time we had to wait for our stuff. We eat, have a good time, pay by cash and a credit card. Food is pretty cheap which is always a plus. We left $6 as a tip (a little less then what it should be for lack of good service). I always tipped when it's deserved, afterall, i used to be a waitress.

Anyway, the waiter comes over, takes the money and receipt and leaves. Out comes the manager asking "Was the service okay?" The place was so packed and honestly I just wanted to leave so I ask her "Why?" She says "oh well you left a small tip." Ummm excuse me? So i look at her and she proceeds to ask why we only left $3. I tell her no we left $6. This went on a good 5 minutes of me telling her that I saw the waiter take the money off the table, and he either swiped it looking for more money or dropped it somewhere. She proceeded to insist that we left only $3 and was irritated because we left so little. Got so fed up my friend ended up leaving another $3.

I was completely shocked that this woman had the audacity to basically insist that we leave more money. I dont know what I was more mad at, the fact that she did that or the fact that I KNOW the waiter dropped the money or swiped it and then went and complained.

Since when are people REQUIRED to tip. Last time I checked, it was a persons choice and not mandatory. Granted some places have automatic tipping incorporated into the bill, but this was not one of those places.

Basically I love the food, but after the way we were treated AFTER we got bad service, I'm definitely not going there again

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Britney Bald?! No! Stop the presses

Just a thought....going out on a limb here. But if people focused as much attention on Global Warming, the crisis in Darfur, etc, maybe things would get accomplished (insert lightbulb here). Breakdown! Drama! Is she in crisis!? To be honest, if my life was watched by millions of people, I saw myself in almost every magazine/newspaper on the newsstand and people were hiding in the bushes and trying to kill each other to get to me, I'd probably have a breakdown too.

I've heard more about her in the past two or three days with her shaving her head then I have about much more important topics ever being mentioned in a months time. I'm not dismissing that she needs help, but is all this discussion / press coverage about it really seriously necessary.

Let's be honest people. Granted, she might do some things that are odd, however I guarantee that most of these people that are judging her and her actions, have done the same things that she's doing. Only difference...hers are thrown into the public eye and everyone can see it.

I've never really been a fan of the girl (although I admit, I've sang "I'm not that innocent" into the hairbrush once or twice in my life) but seriously, I think there are far more important things to go on and on and on about.

Let her do what she wants, she's a big girl. Her shaving her head isn't hurting anyone. (Btw, as I'm writing this, a well known tv show just mentioned it....again). If it is a cry for help, let her management, family and friends worry about her. Apparently she's back in rehab, and good for her for getting help. I wish her the best.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Forgotten mannerisms?

Several conversations lately have led to me thinking about the mannerisms of men and women from long ago and the difference of how they act now. How slowly certain ways and actions are changing. Now change is an obvious part of time moving on, but I think people sort of lose track and are caught off guard by how much really has changed.

My beautiful grandmother showed me a picture of her and my grandfather on their first date. Her in a dress, my grandfather in a suit. Perfectly manicured and looking very happy. She explained to me how he held doors open for her, helped her step off a curb, etc. Then she told me they had went to the movies. When in the world was the last time you saw a man dress in a suit and a woman in a dress for the movies?? Now are we just losing that graceful, formal part of dressing immaculate and "upscale" ... are we just more lazy to where we go out in pajamas? My mother explained how they would always dress nicely, nice pants or skirts, even when going to the movies. Go to the movies now, and see a bunch of guys with their jeans hanging down past their bum so far that you can tell what size boxers they're wearing. Girls are going to have to start carrying some type of Dior device that picks up items they drop since their skirts are so short and seem to be disappearing all together. I'm all for doing your own thing when it comes to fashion, but have some respect for people around you, no one wants to see any of that stuff in public unless they choose to. Better yet, have some respect for yourself.

Curse words were pretty much unheard of. Again, basically the same thing in my mothers generation. At least they were very rarely said around women. Now? F' this, i hate this shhh...., you get the picture. Women, the same thing. I can't tell you how many times I go to a restaurant and hear someone say something about someone they know being a "stupid b"

It's really sad when you hang out with a guy, friend or otherwise, and you're surprised when they open the door for you or help you through a crowd while walking behind you by putting his hand on your back (usually you expect his hand to end up on your ass).

So what exactly is going on? Are we just completely forgetting respect? Sitting on your cell phone while in a movie theatre (btw, I hate all you people that do this), knocking into someone and keep going, not call when you're going to be late, these things are just done and barely anyone blinks an eye. Are we disregarding other people because we're too caught up in ourselves?

I wonder what's going to happen in another 20 years.....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The beginning

I'm in my 20's and from Jersey. This state feeds and thrives off drama. Being 20 minutes away from NYC (where my heart is) doesn't much help either. I'm severely honest, hold true to my opinions and am way too understanding for my own good. I'm a Leo, and yes I act like it. My friends are amazing. They just get me. If I love you, you don't get part of me, you get all of me. Pet peeves: people who lie, cheat, are judgmental or who are severely lacking common sense. Being rude is not sexy. People think I look like a snob the first time they meet me. I have walls set up to keep people out. Few have managed to get through, and I'm okay with that. I don't expect anything less then chivalry, and I'll call you out on it if it's lacking. Music keeps me sane. People take life way too seriously. Get over it, or you'll die of a heart attack before you reach your 40's.

Why i signed up for this blog? I like talking about so many topics, and frankly, its the easiest place to do it.

More later...